

Are you looking to get active? Join one of UHart’s many 俱乐部体育.


组织, and Involvement Opportunities

活动, engagement, and events help shape a complete experience on campus. UHart中心 is the portal for our student community to discover things to do, 加入的小组, and how to get involved.

立博体育官网拳击俱乐部的使命是为男女学生提供学习和参加拳击运动的机会. The goal of the club is to promote self-discipline, 友情, and service as well as athletic and academic excellence.

Why you should join this organization?
If you want to push your mind and body to the limit, this is the club for you.

这个俱乐部的主要目标是为希望参加排球运动的年轻男学生创造一个出口. 我们打算为男学生提供一个在立博体育官网还没有提供的机会. 夫人的时间 will allow any undergraduate male student who is interested to join.

立博体育官网的电子竞技项目与优秀的学生合作,培养他们在当今不断变化的环境中取得成功. The program is housed underneath the 体育运动 department. 通过鼓励和创造积极体验的广泛结构保持参与, 在你的大学生涯中,最终为你的个人成长和发展提供了一条途径.

Learn more about 的电子竞技.

The Green 707 Club seeks to design, 建造和修改一辆由汽油车改装而来的电动加速赛车. We aim to promote critical thinking and teamwork.

Why you should join this organization?

哈特福德彩弹俱乐部将通过协调一系列立博体育官网彩弹的定期圆桌讨论来实现其目标, 每个周末都要为即将到来的比赛进行团队训练,并在一年级学生和即将毕业的学生领袖之间建立一个指导计划,以使俱乐部长久存在.

Why you should join this organization?

哈特福德力量举重是立博体育官网的一支俱乐部球队,参加大学力量举重比赛. 成员们单独训练,但在每学期结束时集体参加比赛. 这些比赛包括三种不同的举重动作,以最大重量进行三次尝试:深蹲, 卧推, 和硬举.


Why you should join this organization?

哈特福德赛车是一群高度敬业的人,他们在学年中花费了大量的时间来设计, 建筑, and racing a Formula SAE racecar.  Every year in May, 一辆新赛车参加了由汽车工程师协会(SAE international)批准的国际比赛。.

我们成立这个俱乐部的唯一目的是让UHART的学生有机会扩展他们的游泳技能,并能够利用游泳池发展与其他学生的关系,并在学校建立第二个家庭. It brings people together for the love of the sport, and allows them to exercise in a non-competitive way. 我们是一个包容的团体,欢迎各种水平的男性和女性游泳者.

这个组织的使命是在立博体育官网为那些不想参加D1级别比赛的人推广足球. The goal of this club is to build teamwork, leadership skills, 努力工作, as well as athletic and academic success.

Why you should join this organization?

这个组织的使命是给大学里的男人参加橄榄球运动的机会. Our goal is to promote 努力工作, perseverance and teamwork as well as athletic and academic excellence.

Why you should join this organization?
It’s a great way to meet new people and practice the sport of rugby.


Why you should join this organization?
Our top priority will be to compete in intercollegiate and /or club tournaments, during both semesters, such as but not limited to; High Tide, College Conference Championships, Lemony Fresh and Club Mixed Sectionals.

户外探险俱乐部的目的是为学生提供机会去发现涉及户外活动的新爱好, spread a general respect for nature, and promote environmental conservation.

Why you should join this organization?
Meet students with similar interests while enjoying outdoor activities!


This club has two main priorities;

  • Promote the fastest growing sport in America.
  • Educate and teach students interested in learning how to play.

The 乒乓球俱乐部 is a place to appreciate and practice the sport of table tennis. By joining this organization, members will be able to meet with like-minded individuals to play with, as well as learn the basics and professional techniques.

Join the University of Hartford 跑步俱乐部 for laps around campus, off-campus fun runs, and local 5k races. All paces and walkers are welcome!

re you interested in playing club soccer on campus? The UHart Women’s Club Soccer team, also known as the Red Hawks, is one of many athletic club teams on campus.

Why you should join this organization?

这个组织的使命是给大学里的女性参加橄榄球运动的机会. Our goal is to promote 努力工作, perseverance and teamwork as well as athletic and academic excellence. The UHart lady ruggers are two-time runner-up finalists.

Why you should join this organization?
UHart女子橄榄球队是一个三级体育俱乐部,对所有女学生开放,不需要经验. Rugby‘s official season is during the fall (September–November; all depending on team standing), with a small spring season and tournaments (February–April).

我们的使命为新的和有经验的终极飞盘玩家学习和享受游戏提供一个机会. We work to promote to sportsmanship and competitiveness in our members. 在过去的一年里,我们在新英格兰和当地的混战中竞争许多地区锦标赛.

Why you should join this organization?
We are a women's club team who meets to learn and play the game of Ultimate Frisbee!

Team and Individual Sports


立博体育官网提供广泛的体育相关活动,包括足球, 夺旗橄榄球, 垒球, 和排球. Take a break from academic work to meet new friends, compete in a friendly atmosphere, and stay healthy.

Women's Ultimate Frisbee

In October 2019, 女子极限飞盘队参加了在南波特兰举行的龙虾壶锦标赛, Maine with over 100 universities represented. The team played a total of 7 games, winning 4 games, and accomplishing their goal of beating their original bracket place. 韩国队在参加比赛时排名第12位,但在20支参赛队中排名第9位.
