CETA Students Share Their Impressive Work at Design Expo

和很多学科一样, “hands-on” learning and “hands-on” creativity represent some of the most valuable opportunities afforded to students at UHart’s College of Engineering, 技术, 和建筑. Is it a contradiction, then, that so many of the projects that engineering students displayed at the 2023年秋季CETA设计博览会 on Friday, December 8, are intended to help people 避免 用手?

The fact is that technology often helps things get done faster, 更有效地, and much safer than people can do them on their own. 所有CETA的学生都知道, it takes skilled hands—and skilled minds—to create any new technological and engineering device.


更重要的是, CETA students enjoy working on and showing off their projects, which is another key to effective learning. At the Design Expo in the Hursey中心, such excitement was evident from one exhibit to the next. There were 54 of them, created by nearly 100 students as part of their final grade for the semester.

“I really like building stuff and I love 3D design,” said first-year student Nick 哈洛伦, whose model of an automatic drawbridge was one of the projects on display. 迷你桥, 用冰淇淋棒做的, opens automatically when it detects a passing ship, while also blocking access to oncoming cars. “Plus, I just really like soldering things together!” 哈洛伦 added in an almost gleeful reminiscence not just of his CETA project, but also of all the projects he used to work on at home while his engineering interests first started to develop. Soldering is the common heating process used for bonding metal or electrical components.

哈洛伦, along with his teammates and other expo participants, gained more than just new technological skills while working on their projects; they also had the chance to practice explaining their concepts and designs and rationalizing the need and usability of each one. That’s an important skill for post-graduation success.

“I just have always loved bridges, and drawbridges are the only type that have to move,” said first-year student Bret Mondejar, 另一个吊桥队友, explaining what attracted him to the project in the first place. 许多学生, 事实上, were drawn to concepts with which they had some personal interest or connection, whether it was to better detect basement floods or enhance the enjoying of video games.

The projects at the CETA Design Expo represented a diverse range of ideas and strategies, many of them related to the need for increased safety and security. 从自动百叶窗, 机器人垃圾车, and a mechanical muffler sound reduction device, 通往声控门, 家庭防洪系统, 超声波升降机, the technical and mechanical ventures pursued by these CETA students made their professors proud, not to mention many parents who also attended.

In addition to refining skills in coding, 传感器, 机器人, 声学, ultrasound and countless other applications, students involved in the Expo also learn the value of teamwork, another important skill for the working world.

“It was really nice to learn how to work together effectively within a group,” says first-year student Victoria Mulligan, who helped build a scale model of a 机器人垃圾车. Her primary participation was working on the 传感器 that enable the truck and the collection arm to detect, 收集, and deposit the refuse that it comes across on its cybernetic journey.

她和她的队友, first-year student James Hinspeter, 和许多CETA的同学一样, frequently find themselves putting time aside to think about what they may like to do professionally, once campus days have come and gone. From student to student, thoughts on the matter are as diverse as the projects themselves. Hinspeter says that even though he worked on a 机器人垃圾车 this time around, it’s the word “design” that plays the biggest role in his vocational imagination, which he says can lead to something quite different—such as building houses. Architecture, 事实上, may be one area he explores as he moves forward in his academic career. 如果是这样的话, 他很幸运, for architecture is one of the many specialized disciplines taught at CETA.





#1         E24 – Arduino Karaoke (Gage Wimberly, Elisabeth Young, & Adeola Oyebunmi)

E12 -吊桥(Keller Casey, Nicholas 哈洛伦, & Bret Mondejar)

#3           E31 - Personalized 住房 System (Ryan Munoz, Michael Previdi, & 约书亚Lindsay)

#4 tie E13 -报警系统(Katherine Albarracin, Emma Dargenio, & 伊恩Malespini)

               E21 -数学很有趣(David Priest, Michael Dubler, Alex Cotter, & 杰西Keyles)

               E39 -保安(Bandar Aldowaish, Silvan Friedman, Parker Laframboise, & Max Kleykamp)


等级:ECT 110

#1           T7 - Little Robot That Could (伊曼纽尔Agbese & 布伦丹Henck)

#2           T4 - Arduino Mobile Tank (马克斯钝 & 哈维尔·塞拉诺)



 S4 -便携式太阳能备份 (Ahmed Alfeeli & 侯赛因Alqallaf)


First-year winning team “Arduino Karaoke” member Adeola Oyebunmi answers questions from an attendee.

伊芙斯泰森毡帽, Niyah约翰逊, and AJ Stephens present their project “The Solar Rover," a solar tracking ground vehicle.

“Robotic Garbage Truck” team members Victoria Mulligan, 安东尼·罗德里格斯, 以色列克鲁兹, 还有詹姆斯·欣斯佩特.